Created by Movement

What is it and Why:

‘Created by Movement’ is a monthly circle aimed at introducing mindfulness and creative practices to daily life.

This circle is a chance to connect with yourself, express your thoughts, feelings and experiences in ways that are relevant to you. It’s a deeply nourishing process of tending to your emotions and feeling whole.

Creative mindfulness also offers a space to rediscover the joy of being creative, a space to nurture your childlike nature and space to leave the inner critic aside.

Primary focus of this circle is playful spontaneity and giving attention to the process you are engaged in, rather than the finished result. Within this space, you learn how to get out of our own way and accept yourself where you are and how you are.

“Created by Movement” welcomes everyone who is interested to find new ways to express themselves, through play and practice of ‘losing yourself’ in the process.

Absolute beginners, as well as experienced meditators and professional artists - I welcome you.

When and where:

‘Created by Movement’ - Meditate, Move, Draw, Write

Date: 2 December 2023

Time: 15:00 - 17:00

Cost: €25

Where: Dundalk Yoga Collective

All materials provided

Workshop Overview:

Each circle has a set structure:

  • opening and centring practice

  • embodied meditation

  • free movement

  • intuitive drawing

  • journaling/writing

  • sharing and closing practice

Structure offers a safe container to move between each step in a free flow way, allowing the process to unfold itself gently.

This circle is inspired by ‘Meditation - Movement - Writing’ integral practice, and work of Alexander Gishon.

Booking is essential and the spaces are limited. To book please contact Sandra on 085 8277332